From LOVERS # 50
Ah, Lovers! How romantic, yes? NEIN! SCHMUT! Here ve have ze perfect example of "Wertham's Rule On Unseen Hands"! Zis is one of ze Raunchiest covers I've seen in a vhile! Ze Subliminal Sexual undertones are obvious! Here ve see ze dominant male controlling ze submitting female...he holds her head in a vise-like grip, thereby exerting his vill over her. Now, where is his Other hand, hmmm? Guess where! Look at ze voman's face! Zat is pure Sexual Ecstasy! His other hand is up her schkirt down "below the border" committing full-on vaginal manipulation! "Miss Smith says Yes, yes, ohhh, YEESSSSS!" Ve may be vitnessing ze first ever comic book mit der Orgasm on ze front cover! Ze caption calls zis "Ze tenderest love schtory you've ever read"...I say, after all zat schtimulation, it'll be ze tenderest Genitalia ever! Hooboy! Und chust be glad I'm not talking about vhat HER Hand is doing down there! Yick! Pure SCHMUT!!
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