(Originally appearing in THE SUN /UK 2003)
SHOCKED six-year-old Leah Lowland checked out a mystery bulge on her Incredible Hulk doll — and uncovered a giant green WILLY.
Curious Leah noticed a lump after winning the monster, catchphrase “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry,” at a seaside fair.
And when she peeled off the green comic-book character’s ripped purple shorts, she found the two-inch manhood beneath them.
Horrified Leah immediately ran to mum Kim and reported the find. And last night Kim called for a ban on the saucy toy. She said: “A hulk with a bulk like this just shouldn’t be allowed.
“Considering the doll is only 12-inches tall it’s amazing how big his willy is."
See? I've been trying to tell you all how Comic Books are Corrupting our young peoples! Vhy von't anybody listen to me? Yeesh! First of all, little girls should not have to look at a big lumpy penis until their Vedding Nights! Even then der lights should be off, und a doctors mask und gloves should be utilized!
I haff no doubt zis poor, innocent but seducted little girl got corrupted from reading ze comic books, und zat is vhy she felt ze naughty compulsion to remove ze Hulky trousers und peek at ze lumpy manhood...er, I mean Hulkhood...Ach! I mean, ze Hulk should schtop schticking his big green penis in little girls faces!
Naughty Schmut!
"You vouldn't like me vhen I'm Horny!" SCHMUT!!